
Danica Barboza
'Portrait of Amalphia mid-speech, A Demonstration of Weight'
, 2015
tape binding, clay, denim, rope, twine, acrylic, plastic, metal sand bags
61 x 41 x 20 inches

Danica Barboza
'Portrait of Amalphia mid-speech
(detail), A Demonstration of Weight', 2015
tape binding, clay, denim, rope, twine, acrylic, plastic, metal sand bags
61 x 41 x 20 inches

Danica Barboza
'Portrait of Amalphia mid-speech
(detail), A Demonstration of Weight', 2015
tape binding, clay, denim, rope, twine, acrylic, plastic, metal sand bags
61 x 41 x 20 inches

Danica Barboza
Kitsch in our Love-Child's Bedroom--'Cycle 3', 2017
clay, paper-mache, tape, yarn, plastic bags, metal, newspaper
51 x 32 x 44 inches

Danica Barboza
Number 7 of the Domestic Series: ‘Pose for a Synthetic Wife’, 2017
Anatomical forms rendered in ‘tape binding,’ and clay respectively, with mock-porcelain finish. Felt, plastic, metal, vintage rope, polyester pink fabric, newspaper, and acrylic
53 × 35 × 21 inches

Danica Barboza
'Frosting on Cryonics'
, 2017
clay, paper-mache, acrylic, plastic, fabric, felt, rope, rope, wood, mock-porcelain, newspaper
43 X 51 x 40 inches

Danica Barboza
'Frosting on Cryonics'
(detail), 2017
clay, paper-mache, acrylic, plastic, fabric, felt, rope, rope, wood, mock-porcelain, newspaper
43 X 51 x 40 inches

Danica Barboza
Number 4 of the Domestic Series, 2015
clay, paper-mache, acrylic, wooden chair
53 x 35 x 21 inches

Danica Barboza
'Portrait of David and Danica at Home Ca. 2004' I - 5, 2017
clay, paper-mache, acrylic, plastic, fabric, felt, fleece, rope, wood, mock-porcelain, newspaper, prop toilet
dimensions variable

Danica Barboza
'Portrait of David and Danica at Home Ca. 2004' I - 5 (detail), 2017
clay, paper-mache, acrylic, plastic, fabric, felt, fleece, rope, wood, mock-porcelain, newspaper, prop toilet
dimensions variable